“The other adult in Ralphie's life is his teacher, Miss Shields, who, in Ralphie's daydreams, morphs into a tap-dancing diva who holds the fate of his Christmas gift in her hands. Lauren Kent's growly solo and tap-off with Ralphie's little brother, Randy (William Colin), was one of the most memorable performances of the show.” Broadway World Sacramento; Courtney Symes, Sacramento, CA

“Lauren Kent amazed me as Miss Shields, swapping out a stern classroom teacher with a vampy chanteuse in a comical dream sequence. All of the kids in the production were brilliant, singing and dancing their hearts out, with one of them almost out-hoofing Kent.” SAC Cultural Hub; Michael Coleman, Sacramento, CA

“Lauren Kent is Ralphie’s teacher, Miss Shields, who sheds her schoolmarm clothes and dons a hot red dress in a great dance number with Randy as part of Ralphie’s fantasy.” Enterprise Yolo County News; Bev Sykes, Sacramento, CA

“One more personality that I can’t forget is Lauren Kent’s Miss Shields. Her no-nonsense attitude with her students is contrasted with Ralphie’s daydreams of the doting, loving teacher who puts him on a pedestal. Kent is backed by the kids in a delightful tap number “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out.” Her sassy, strong vocals are matched with her high energy dancing alongside Colin, who steals the show with his tap-dancing mastery.” Front Row Reviewers; Holly Gould, Salt Lake City, UT

“The cancan sequence with leg lamps swinging into the air was well executed and fun. So was a fantasy dance sequence involving Ralphie’s teacher Miss Shields (played by Lauren Kent) and his classmates. The number featured an extended tap segment involving about a dozen of the children that tour with this musical. It’s the kind of gratuitous scene included to give the kids a showcase piece – but this one was too cute to ignore.” Fayetteville Flyer; Kevin Kinder, Fayetteville, AR

“Lauren Kent brings just the right level of exaggeration as Miss Shields, the elementary school teacher, playing up our childhood teachers not as they really were, but as the towering figures we all remember. Kent’s memorable moment arrives when, in a dream sequence, she transforms into a threatening chanteuse in a 1930s-style speakeasy populated by tiny mobsters and molls.” Theater Jones; Wayne Lee Gay, Dallas, TX

“The other children and Miss Shields (Lauren Kent) also earned cheers for their tapping in the musical number “You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out,” which is another marvelous diversion into Ralphie’s overactive imagination.” The Column; Ann Saucer, Dallas, TX